We love and understand railways

We specialise in the analysis, optimisation and simulation (using the Villon simulation tool) of all types of railway terminals, e.g. marshalling yards, passenger stations, container terminals, depots, maintenance stations, etc.

Whether you are designing a new railway terminal, investing in the modernisation of an existing one, adapting to changing conditions (e.g. increased passenger numbers, new timetables, etc.) or simply want to streamline operations and reduce operating costs, our consultancy can provide solutions, advice and proposals for all these tasks. Our consultancy services also cover regional railway lines as well as public transport systems (buses, trams, etc.).

Let us help you with 

  • Verification and evaluation of infrastructure changes
  • Investigation of marshalling yards throughput capacity
  • Examination of passenger transport capacity
  • Investigation of regional rail networks
  • Rationalisation of technological processes in terminals
  • Identification of bottlenecks and their elimination
  • Determining an optimal number of vehicles for a public transport line
  • Timetable verification in urban transport
  • Reviewing the benefits of modernising technical equipment
  • Adjustment of operations to the new timetable
  • Planning of the operation during the maintenance or reconstruction phases
  • Determine optimal number of locomotives and personnel
  • Reviewing of the staff shift schedule
  • and many other issues ....

Examples of our services for railways

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Brno Main Station Junction

Brno, the center of the Moravia region, is located in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. Brno railway junction started its history as a small terminal for trains from Breclav or Vienna; connections to railway lines from other directions joined later, leading to infrastructure development according to the operational needs. Nowadays, the Brno junction belongs to few major Czech railway junctions.

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Lausanne Triage

Lausanne Triage, owned and operated by SBB Infrastruktur, is one of the most important terminals in Switzerland - 20% of inland wagon-load transport volume is sorted and classified here. The marshalling (classification) yard is situated in Lémanique region. After May 2006, the importance of this yard increased due to the concentration of train-formation processes in Swiss inland transport.

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Prague Masaryk Station

Prague Masaryk passenger station is located in the vicinity of Prague Main railway station and Florenc bus station, between two town districts - New Town and Karlín. The ongoing development of Karlín and neighbouring Žižkov districts brings the question of possible utilisation of unused areas of Masaryk railway station and overall modernisation of the station, with the aim to create a modern and attractive urban area.

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Ulm BetriebsCenter

The planned project "Stuttgart 21" and the construction of high-speed railway line Stuttgart-Munich, have major influence on train sets maintenance operations in German land of Wuerttenberg. New operational concept of train set maintenance requires the maintenance capacities in the Ulm region to be largely extended. The solution to this problem seems to be the construction of brand new maintenance centre, replacing not used part of current marshalling yard.

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